We pride ourselves on providing comprehensive support to our customers and our FAQ page is an important part of this.
We are always willing to provide you with further information or support if you have any questions,
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  1. Use keywords: use relevant keywords in your title tags, headings, meta descriptions and content to increase relevance to search engines.
  2. Optimize your page load time: Use techniques like compression, minification, and CDNs to optimize your page load time.
  3. Use headings: Use headings to structure your content and make it more accessible to readers and search engines.
  4. Create longer content: Longer content usually has a higher chance of ranking better in search engines because it offers more depth and relevance.
  5. Use internal links: Use internal links to connect your content and drive traffic within your website.
  6. Encourage social interaction: encourage social interaction by adding share buttons, comments, and ratings to increase interest and engagement from your audience.
  7. Use meta descriptions: Use meta descriptions to provide a clear and engaging description of your page that can help drive more visitors to click on your page.

By using these methods, you can increase your organic click-through rates by improving your website and increasing its relevance to search engines and users.

  1. Check your XML sitemap: Check your XML sitemap for orphaned pages and remove them if they exist.
  2. Monitor your broken link reports: Monitor your broken link reports to identify and fix orphaned pages.
  3. Use a plugin like Broken Link Checker: Use a plugin like Broken Link Checker to automatically detect and fix orphaned pages on your website.
  4. Review your Internal Link Structure: Review your Internal Link Structure to ensure that no links are pointing to orphan pages.
  5. Check your 404 error pages: Check your 404 error pages to make sure they don't link to orphan pages.
  6. Check your redirects: Check your redirects to make sure they are configured correctly and redirect orphaned pages to relevant content.

With these steps, you can identify and fix orphaned pages on your WordPress website to improve user experience and search engine optimization.

  1. Understand the concept: schema markup is a type of metadata that helps search engines process and display content on your website.
  2. Choose a schema type: There are many different schema types, such as for products, places, events, reviews, and so on. Choose the schema type that best fits your content.
  3. Implement schema markup: You can add schema markup manually by pasting it into the HTML code of your page, or you can use a plugin to add it automatically.
  4. Review your implementation: Review your schema implementation to ensure that it is correct and that all relevant data is included.
  5. Monitor your rankings: monitor your rankings after implementing schema markup to see if it has a positive effect.
  6. Update regularly: Schema markup is an ever-evolving concept, so be sure to update your implementation regularly to ensure you are using the latest best practices.

Using schema markup can provide search engines with better information about the content on a website, which can help the website rank better in search engine results and be found more easily.

It is not ethical or legal to "steal" keywords from other websites. However, it is possible to check their top keywords to support your own keyword research:

  1. Use Google Analytics and Google Search Console: Check the data in Google Analytics and Google Search Console to find out which keywords are used most often on your competitor's website.
  2. Check the meta tags: check the meta tags, especially the title and description tags, to find out which keywords are used on your competitor pages.
  3. Check the content: Check the content on your competitor pages to see which keywords are used often.
  4. Use keyword research tools: Use keyword research tools like "Google Keyword Planner" and "SEMrush" to check your competitors' keywords.

It's important to develop your own unique keyword strategy instead of simply copying your competitors' keywords. Focus on identifying your own niche and using keywords that are relevant to your target audience.


Online marketing is a branch of marketing that focuses on marketing products and services via the Internet. It encompasses a variety of strategies and techniques, including search engine optimization (SEO), search engine advertising (SEA), content marketing, email marketing, affiliate marketing, and social media marketing. The goal is to create an online presence that allows businesses to reach and engage their target audience in an effective way. Online marketing offers businesses the opportunity to target a broad audience, strengthen their brand, and increase sales.

  1. Use a plugin: Use a plugin like "Schema" or "All in One Schema Rich Snippets" to implement Structured Data on your WordPress website easily and quickly.
  2. Use the Schema.org vocabulary: Use the Schema.org vocabulary to specify the type of content on your website that you want to tag.
  3. Check your Structured Data with Google tools: Check your Structured Data with Google tools like "Google Rich Results Test" and "Google Search Console" to make sure it is implemented correctly.
  4. Use the Schema Generator: Use the Schema Generator to quickly and easily create Structured Data code for your content.
  5. Integrate structured data into your templates: Integrate structured data directly into your templates to ensure that it is automatically displayed on all pages and posts on your website.

With these steps, you can implement Structured Data on your WordPress website to improve your search engine optimization and user experience.

  1. Use meaningful file names: Use meaningful file names that describe the contents of the image, rather than generic names like "Image001.jpg".
  2. Use alt text: Use alt text to describe the content of the image for search engines and image search engines.
  3. Compress your images: Compress your images to improve load times while preserving their quality.
  4. Use captions: Use captions to provide additional description of the content of the image.
  5. Use internal links: Use internal links to connect your images to other relevant pages and posts on your website.

With these steps, you can optimize your images in WordPress to improve search engine optimization and usability.


To write irresistible SEO titles, keep the following in mind:

  1. Use a clear and descriptive title: Make sure the title accurately describes the topic of your content.

  2. Keep it short and sweet: avoid including too many words or unnecessary information in the title. A long title can be hard to read and can also dilute the meaning.

  3. Use keywords: Use relevant keywords in the title to be found by search engines. Make sure they sound natural and are not too intrusive.

  4. Create excitement: Use a provocative question, a surprising fact, or a passionate statement to motivate the reader to read your content.

  5. Be unique: Avoid using the same title as other content. Find a unique perspective or a new way to present the topic.

When writing your SEO titles, keep in mind that they are not only optimized for search engines, but also readable and appealing to people.

Example for a nail salon:
"Top-notch nail care for radiant hands at [name of nail salon]."

Optimized meta descriptions are short sections of text defined in the HTML code on a web page that summarize the content of the page. These descriptions are often displayed in search engine results and can help a page be found more easily. An optimized meta description should provide clear and concise information about the page's content to attract potential visitors and encourage them to click on the page. Ideally, the meta description should also include keywords that are related to the content of the page.

Example of optimized meta description for mechanical engineering:
Experience high-quality mechanical engineering solutions for your business. We offer customized designs and innovative technologies. Contact us now for a free consultation.

ListingTool is a service provider that helps businesses optimize their online presence on a variety of platforms and channels. The company offers solutions for reputation management, local search engine optimization (SEO), local listings management and local social media management. ListingTool enables businesses to improve their visibility by updating and monitoring their information across all relevant platforms and channels. This allows them to create a consistent and positively perceived image of their brand and strengthen customer loyalty.

To use SEO-friendly URL structures, keep the following in mind:

  1. Use keywords in your URLs: Use relevant keywords in your URLs to support your page's relevance to specific search terms.

  2. Avoid unnecessary words and characters: Do not use unnecessary words or characters in your URLs, as this can affect readability and cause search engines to rank your page as less relevant.

  3. Use clear and readable URLs: Make sure your URLs are clear, readable and easy to understand.

  4. Use hierarchical structures: Use hierarchical structures in your URLs to give context to your page and help search engines check the relevance of your page.

  5. Use consistent structures: Use consistent structures for your URLs to help search engines and users understand the structure of your website.

By following these recommendations, you can help search engines rank your site as relevant and help users easily find and understand your pages.

Here are two examples of SEO-friendly URL structures:

  1. An example of a URL with relevant keywords might look like this:"www.beispielseite.ch/rotes-kleid-kaufen".

  2. An example of a clear and readable URL might look like this:"www.beispielseite.ch/produkte/bekleidung/rotes-kleid".

In both examples, relevant keywords are used and the URLs are clear and readable. This makes it easier for search engines and users to understand the relevance of your page to specific keywords.

Here are some tips to increase organic click-through rates:

  1. Optimize your website for search engines (SEO): Make sure your website is SEO optimized by using keywords relevant to your industry and ensuring your content is relevant and valuable to users and search engines.

  2. Use apt title and meta tags: make sure your title and meta tags are informative and apt to get users to click on your website.

  3. Create quality content: Make sure your website is filled with unique and useful content that is relevant to your target audience.

  4. Use internal linking: Link your content together to make your site more user-friendly and to better optimize your site for search engines.

  5. Use social media: use social media to share your content and promote your brand.

  6. Monitor your performance: constantly monitor your performance to see what is working and what is not, and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Please note that these are just a few tips and it is always important to follow the latest best practices and trends in SEO to ensure that you achieve your goals.

YouTube Shorts are a new feature from YouTube that allows users to create short, self-created videos directly from the YouTube app. Shorts allow users to create creative and entertaining content using a variety of tools and effects, including music, overlays, and text. The videos can be up to 15 seconds long and can be shared directly on the platform. YouTube Shorts is a response to the popularity of TikTok and other short video platforms and provides a new way for users to showcase their creativity and share their content with a large audience.

Search statistics are data that record and analyze search engine usage. These statistics may include a variety of information, including:

Search queries: The most common search terms entered by users to find specific information.

Search results: The number of search results for specific search terms and the position of each result in the search results.

Click rate: The number of clicks on a particular search result in relation to the number of search results for a particular search term.

Dwell Time: The length of time a user spends on a particular website after accessing it through a search engine.

Bounce rate: The number of users who leave a particular website without accessing further content.

Search statistics can be used to measure and improve the effectiveness of search engine optimization strategies and to gain a better understanding of how users access websites through search engines. It is important to note that search statistics may vary depending on the search engine and that there may also be privacy concerns when it comes to using search statistics.

There are several reasons why your company website is not found by Google. Here are some possible reasons:
1. Your website has not yet been indexed by Google: If your website is new or has been recently updated, it may take some time for Google to index your website and show it in search results.
2. Your website is not search engine friendly: If your website is not optimized for search engines, it may be harder for Google to find and index your site. Make sure your web page contains structured HTML code, relevant content, and appropriate meta tags such as title and description tags.
3. Your web page does not contain relevant content: If your website does not contain relevant content that relates to the products or services you offer, Google is less likely to show it in search results.
4. Your website has technical issues: If your website loads slowly or has technical issues, Google may not be able to fully index it.
5. Your website has been penalized by Google: If your website violates Google guidelines, Google may penalize it or remove it from search results.
If you ensure that your website is technically sound, contains search engine friendly content, and does not violate Google guidelines, you should be able to successfully rank your website in Google's search results. Also note that it may take some time for your website to appear in the search results, even if all other factors are correct.

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